2024 fall mixer

Our “Fulbright Fall Mixer” was held on the grounds of the University of Virginia (UVA) on September 19. We had one of our largest turnouts ever — more than 35 current and former Fulbrighters attended. After food and drink were served, we had two presentations:

  • Fred Borch talked about his Fulbright Specialist experiences in Mongolia this past May.
  • Our German Fulbrighter, Marvin Hirt, talked about his career as a professional civil servant in Germany and his current studies for a Masters degree at UVA.

We had four special guests:

  • Andrus Ashoo and Steve Gump joined us from UVA’s Office of Citizen Scholar Development. Their office (where Andrus is the Director) oversees all overseas fellowships, scholarships and the like for UVA students — a huge undertaking.
  • First-grade teacher Andi Kutzman and fourth-grade teacher Rachel Caldwell also joined us — as Andi and Rachel wanted to meet new Fulbrighters in the area who would come talk to their elementary school students. Both Andi and Rachel were successful in making some new Fulbright friends!

The chapter welcomed the following new Fulbrighters to our area:

  • Jesus Gomez (Mexico)
  • Slenka Botello (Colombia)
  • Mariana Arboleda (Colombia)
  • Lotte Notelaers (Belgium)
  • Jeff Rodriguez (Costa Rica)

And our current Fulbrighters: Kimmie Della Cerna (Philippines); Marvin Hirt (Germany); and Pin-Chao Wang (Taiwan).

Finally, a new USA Fulbrighter, Oscar Kemp, who just returned from an 11-month Fulbright to Uganda, has joined our chapter — welcome Oscar!


Upcoming Chapter events:

November 14, 6 PM — Our Joint Charlottesville Committee on Foreign Relations evening at Glenmore Country Club — where we enjoy a dinner and a talk by a former Fulbrighter. More information to follow.

December 6, 6 PM — our Holiday Party at Hotel A on the grounds of UVA.  More information to follow

Any questions, contact me at fred.borch@gmail.com.

— Fred Borch
President, Central Virginia Chapter


Photos from Fulbright Fall Mixer

Attendees at the Fulbright Fall Mixer on Sept. 19, 2024, in Hotel A.

Fulbrighters Slenka Botello (Colombia) and Jesus Gomez (Mexico) at the Fulbright Fall Mixer on Sept. 19, 2024, in Hotel A.

Fulbrighters Pin Chao (Taiwan) and Mariana Arboleda (Colombia) at the Fulbright Fall Mixer on Sept. 19, 2024, in Hotel A.

Kimmie Della Cerna (Philippines), Lotte Notelaers (Beligum), Mariana Arboleda (Colombia), and Jesus Gomez (Mexico) at the Fulbright Fall Mixer on Sept. 19, 2024, in Hotel A.